I had three goals for myself this weekend.
#1 Go to the Dailey Method (my fav place to work out which I RARELY go to!)
#2 Blog (I've been storing up a million stories for months now)
#3 Catch up on the Bachelorette before the season finale tomorrow
I usually have about 10 things I want to accomplish each weekend but I'm tired of disappointing myself so I figured 3 would be safe. WRONG. Seriously, what's wrong with me!?
I have all of 20 minutes before I need to get ready for the Adele concert tonight (rough life, I know) and that's not NEARLY long enough for a blog post BUT..... I've gotta just drop some pics in here of how awesome the first two weeks of school have been at Penngrove. Hopefully I'll squeeze some time in soon to blog about our school theme this year: Power of One, but for now, just know that our year is off to a tremendous start! Energy is high, positivity is out of this world, new and old team members are working together like rockstars, and our students are loving every second. I am beyond lucky to spend my days with the 389 little panthers whom I love to pieces, the incredible staff who go above and beyond on a daily basis, and the parent community who supports us in the best of ways over and over again.
2016-17, let's do this! #itsgoingtobegreat #oneforthree #powerofone
Power of One! Team Penn! |
Kinder team having fun! |
When the BFF brings you coffee on day 1!
Our newly updated outdoor learning area! |
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