Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The End of 2013 - Original, I Know!

Happy New Year 2014! We have exactly 48 more minutes left in 2013 and I'm pretty pumped for a new year! This evening has been wonderful.  Full of friends, loved ones, delicious food and even better drinks.  For the past few weeks, I've been thinking about my final blog post of 2013.  Sounds funny since I only started my blog a couple of months ago. But...I had this great idea to capture all of the progress that has been made in 2013. I imagined myself writing a blog post about how far I've come as an educator in the past 12 months, how far my school has come, and how proud I am of our accomplishments.  However, tonight, I just sit here in awe. 

I spent the day shopping at IKEA with a 3rd grade teacher who is getting rid of all her desks tomorrow.  I received a text from a 4th grade teacher who asked when I would be around this week because she thought of a new procedure that may help our hectic pick-up procedure.  I received an email from a teacher who wanted to share pictures of the socks her class collected for men and women who have cold feet this time of year.  I got a text from our PTA President who wants to help me plan our upcoming family math night. I received an email from a parent with a picture attached of her daughter and me in our "wacky tacky winter wear" and I couldn't help but think...forget the numbers, the stats, the hoopla.

This year has been incredible.  2013 has been full of hard moments, difficult decisions, challenging times.  But it has also been full of wonderful people, special students, and supporters who for no reason have held me up when I didn't think I could stand alone.  I am grateful.  I am lucky. I am full of love, hope, and faith for a 2014 full of promise and new beginnings.  I've watched dreams come true in 2013. And 2014 is going to be even more spectacular.  My heart is full thanks to all who have made 2013 special, and as for 2014, watch out, be ready, because I'm anticipating all the best for a year full of dedication, hard work, and promise. Happy New Year! 

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